I have been working on a few QR Code things but have come across a hiccup. I really wanted to have the QR Code posted around the room that the kids could scan and access a particular sight word or math problem. Unfortunately, the print on the iPods and iPads comes up so small. I think I will try doing it with a recording instead. The kids will read a word or math problem on the wall and can use the QR Code to check and see if they were correct. This switch is going to take a lot of extra time so I will post an example after a little while as I am feeling overwhelmed with the beginning of the year :)
I did spend a chunk of my summer recording my books on tape and transferring them into MP3 files. Here is an example of a QR Code that I will put onto the cover of the book. It will take the kids directly to the recording of the book. If you haven't checked out my previous page on QR Codes, please do. There is a great tutorial on how to do this on there. Let me know if you have any questions and I wish you all the best of school years!
I Love you, Stinky Face |