Sunday, September 2, 2012


I hope that everyone is enjoying their long weekend!  It has been a whirlwind since I went back to school 3 weeks ago.  I have a sweet group of kids who can be a handful at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

In my quest to become more organized...yes, I am that teacher that has piles of things everywhere...I decided to try out the teacher and substitute teacher binders.  They are all the rave on Pinterest right now and with some down time this weekend, I thought I'd put them together.  Pictures coming soon!

These are the sections I put into my binder:
  • Year at a Glance
    • Monthly calendars with important school events and meetings
    • Color coding the weeks that we are working on the same curriclum item such as how families are the same or different.
  • Lesson Plans
    • My teammate has a spreadsheet guru for a husband who outlined our schedule with boxes in it big enough to write our plans in.  We also have them in a running Google doc.  However, we like having the pencil/paper plan as well for when we are in planning meetings, data dialogues, conferences, etc.   
  • Student Data
    • Sight Words: We assess the kids on the first 100 Fry sight word list.  When they become proficient on those, we will test them on the 2nd and 3rd 100 words.  Mastery of all 300 in our classes equates to working on how to spell them in addition to being able to read them. Students graph their progress at least 3 times a year.
    • Words Their Way assessment and groupings
    • enVision Math Scores:  The students graph how many they got correct on each assessment and make personal goals for the next topic.
    • ECAW (Every Child a Writer) and 1st grade writing rubrics for each monthly writing sample.
    • DRA 2 scores and guided reading levels graphed for each kid throughout the year
    • Running Records Class recording sheet (Printable in previous post)
  • Common Core Standards and Grade Level Expectations
    • A print out of the new 1st grade common core standards to look at at a glance
    • We are a LIFT school so I have a print out of what literacy elements are expected on a daily basis, integrated throughout the day to help keep me focused while planning
    • Kagan's Collaborative Based Learning list of PIES to help me while planning
  • Miselanious
    • I put this area at the end of my binder in case I get anything I might need for working on a committee, parent meeting, etc.  
    • I have paper in this section to jot notes in case there is something I want to remember for planning or don't have a specific spot to put it.  
These are the sections I put in my Substitute Binder
  • A copy of the school's emergency plans
  • A list of the 7 Habits (We are a Leader in Me School)
  • A rubric detailing the different 7 Habits expectations and how to use them around the school
  • In Case you Finish Early plans
  • Copy of our daily schedule
  • A page detailing students who are pulled from the room for support, who is helpful, who has behavior goals, and nearby teachers
  • Lesson Plans for the day
  • A list of different attention getters that we use
  • A calendar of who volunteers in the classroom and when